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7,8,9 November 2018

9:30 - 10:00
Registration / Networking

10:00 - 11:00
R-Ladies Room for R lovers
The least you need to know about how to use Tidyverse for data manipulation and visualization
Omayma Said, R-Ladies
The workshop provides an introduction to data manipulation in R using the dplyr. package. You will learn how to engage with your data, extract more info and answer questions using basic operations like filtering, summarizing, adding new columns, etc. You will work on exercises using a real dataset. The workshop is for anyone who would like to manipulate data easily. Just make sure you carry a laptop with you.
10:00 - 11:00
FinTech Room for Data Analysts
Analyst progression path
Edgar Ilves, TransferWise
Are you considering a career in FinTech? Then you will find this workshop helpful. During the session you will briefly look at money transferring company's data, discuss which skills beyond analytical data scientist needs to succeed, and which skills companies think analysts need to have. Still not convinced to attend? The trainer comes from the country of Skype and PayPal!
10:00 - 11:00
Zalando Room for Data Scientists
Predicting Customer Lifetime Value
Alice Lynch, Zalando
When your business has millions of customers, but limited resources to serve them, how can you target those who will bring the most profit to your business in the future? This is the challenge facing Zalando, Europe's largest fashion e-commerce platform, with 25 million customers and 300,000 articles for sale. Those with an interest in customer analytics, machine learning, big data, Spark, e-commerce or personalised web experiences will learn how to approach modelling customer value, how it could be used in their business, and some details on the methods available to solve this with SparkML.
10:00 - 11:00
ML Room for Machine Learning Enthusiasts
Training ML models with Cloud
Leonid Kuligin, Google
Are you a software engineer, data scientist or technical manager? If yes, this workshop is for you! We will discuss some of the most common scenarios if you are going to move your ML workloads to Cloud (and why you might be doing this). We’ll talk about organizing the training in the most effective way, and we’ll briefly discuss the difference between different types of accelerators. Afterwards, you will learn how to deal with very large datasets or complicated models with long training time - how Tensorflow deals with that, what is distributed training about and how you can start doing with Google Cloud.
10:00 - 11:00
EU Room for CSO activists
Organized & Corrupt Data Tools
Jason Papakheli, OCCRP
Are you into the geeky side of investigative journalism, have some technical appetite and a little understanding of Python? Then Jason's workshop perfecltly suits you. The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) Data Team builds and operates a number of data tools to mine big investigative data and help journalists do the same. Jason will tour a few of the sometimes organized, sometimes corrupt tools and methods OCCRP Data uses to harness huge amounts of investigative data and in turn direct it for journalists to follow the money, properties, aircraft, etc of the corrupt and powerful.
10:00 - 11:00
ForSet Room for Data Storytellers
DDJ with scissors and glue
Rayna Breuer, Deutche Welle
Close your computer, turn off your smartphone. We will do DDJ offline! You'll see, it works. Because in general before you start visualising your data on the computer, you should first sketch it on paper. You will be given some datasets (on paper) which you will visualise with all the craft materials available in the room.
10:00 - 11:00
ForSet Room for Russian Speakers
Сингулярность данных: как нейросети могут помочь журналистам расследователям
Rinat Tuhvatshin, Kloop Media
Вы наконец поймете, что же такое нейросети, и как вы можете легко начать их использовать в работе.

11:00 - 11:15
Short Break

11:15 - 12:15
R-Ladies Room for R lovers
Delving into the depths of ggplot
Omayma Said, R Ladies
Data visualization is an integral part of the data analysis process and a powerful means of communication. This workshop will focus on creating effective visualizations using ggplot2 package in R. You will learn about the grammar of graphics and practice building graphs with layers. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to create basic plots using ggplot2 package. Just have in mind that you will need a laptop.
11:15 - 12:15
FinTech Room for Data Analysts
Extracting information from financial texts
Anzor Gozolashvili, MaxinAI
If you are interested in NLP and FinTech, this workshop is for you. Speakers from MaxinAI will take us through the process of extracting features from unstructured financial data using deep neural networks.
11:15 - 12:15
Zalando Room for Data Scientists
Data Analysis in Life Science
Vincenzo Lagani, Ilia State University
The workshop will first explore why and to what extent life scientists have embraced the concept of open data, and how open data have profoundly changed this field. The second part of the workshop will show how machine learning methods can be applied for analyzing biological and biomedical data. Finally, you will be guided in using online tools for performing a sound analysis on publicly available data. The workshop is for anyone interested in the topic, but it will particularly interest data scientists.
11:15 - 12:15
ML Room for Machine Learning Enthusiasts
Application of Fuzzy Control
Erekle Magradze, CERN
Fuzzy control is based on fuzzy sets theory, which sometimes is considered as an extension of probability theory for computers. Techniques based on this theory allow experts of various fields to represent their knowledge using simple mathematical formulations and hence, make it easy to code. Also control systems, based on fuzzy sets theory is flexible enough to be merged with learning algorithms and explore the data where we have lack of understanding. During the workshop you will see a few examples of application of fuzzy control approaches using python based fuzzy libraries. Do attend this workshop if you have basic knowledge in maths and python.
11:15 - 12:15
EU Room for CSO activists
Open Data for Social Impact and Better Decision
Denis Gursky, 1991 Open Data Incubator
11:15 - 12:15
ForSet Room for Data Storytellers
Google data tools for reporting, analysis and visualisation
Daniel Rzasa, Google News Lab
Are you a data journalist / mid-level data geek and want to learn about all free tools provided by Google that can help with data research, scraping, analysis and visualisation? Then this workshop is for you!
11:15 - 12:15
ForSet Room for Russian Speakers
Who are the 36 thousands employees of the Russian defence ministry? (In RUS)
Andrew Jvirblis, Transparency International Russia
The speakers from TI Russia will share their experience of parsing the biggest file with asset and income declaration of public officials in Russia. It was published by the defense ministry and provide us the information on more that 36 thousand officials, which position stay undisclosed because of secrecy issues. They parsed 4 set of such data, comming from different years, searching the way to link records in different sets to enrich the data. The workshop will be in Russian.

12:15 - 12:30
Short Break

12:30 - 13:30
R-Ladies Room for R lovers
Missing Data and Statistical Analyses
Nato Khaladze, ISET
Missing data is one of the crucial aspects of data analysis. This workshop introduces how to deal with missing values and conduct Multiple Imputation Analysis with R. Multiple Imputation uses observed values to predict missing information with regression models. After organizing data you will learn how to conduct statistical analyses and make inferences. Specifically, you will learn how to do linear regression analyses to get information about the relationship between variables. Do not miss this session if you are into data and statistics.
12:30 - 13:30
FinTech Room for Data Analysts
Data marries e-commerce & FinTech for Jobs To Be Done. Who wins?
Jil Ebanoidze, RiskTech4FinTech
Do you know what are the elements involved in building payments and order to cash playbook including tech ecosystem? This workshop will cover elements such as data privacy, CRM, GDPR, risk , fraud, billing, payments (traditional and alternative), dunning, collection, reconciliation. There will be a discussion session as well using a case study from eBay. FinTech enthusiasts are encouraged to participate. Make sure you have your laptops to fully enjoy the workshop.
12:30 - 13:30
Zalando Room for Data Scientists
Some pitfalls to avoid when launching a “ML project” at your company
Leonid Kuligin, Google
What are the prerequisites to succeed with a ML project? To answer this question, the workshop will discuss fundamental causes that drive the current success of ML all over the world. You will learn a few fundamental things about ML as a computer science discipline that helped eliminate some common narrative around ML. You will also look at a few use cases, how product hypothesis for a ML project could look like and how they can be easily validated without going too deep into developing fancy ML algorithms or training complicated models. Don't miss this workshop if you are an engineer, product manager or business manager.
12:30 - 13:30
ML Room for Machine Learning Enthusiasts
How to win a Machine Learning competition
Pavel Pleskov, Kaggle
Pavel will cover different competition platforms including Kaggle, why they are so popular and widespread, what competitions give to businesses as well as data scientists. He will share his secrets on how he became #15 in global Kaggle ranking in a year.
12:30 - 13:30
EU Room for CSO activists
Frictionless Data
Jo Barratt, Open Knowledge Foundation
Getting insight from data is not always a straightforward process. Data is often hard to find, archived in difficult to use formats, poorly structured and/or incomplete. These issues create friction and make it difficult to use, publish and share data. The Frictionless Data initiative at Open Knowledge International aims to reduce friction in working with data, with a goal to make it effortless to transport data among different tools and platforms for further analysis. This workshop will look at several sources of friction in working with data and how to alleviate them using Frictionless Data tools. Don't forget your laptop if you decide to attend.
12:30 - 13:30
ForSet Room for Data Storytellers
How to make a Map Quiz
Rayna Breuer, Deutche Welle
Guess where the capital of Montenegro is? Or the capital of Bulgaria? If you want to challenge someone's geographical knowledge then create an interactive map quiz - with Mapbox. Let's try to do it together? Bring a laptop and join us!
12:30 - 13:30
ForSet Room for Russian Speakers
Критика и редизайн: Как улучшить вашу визуализацию данных
Андрей Газин
Визуализация данных использует особенности человеческого восприятия для того, чтобы коммуницировать большие объемы информации в простой и доступной форме. Незнание этих особенностей восприятия визуальной информации может приводить к ошибкам в визуализации данных. В свою очередь эффективное использование этих особенностей может существенно улучшить визуализацию, сделать ее доступнее и понятнее. На воркшопе "Критика и редизайн визуализации данных" мы поговорим о небольших хитростях и трюках, которые позволяют сделать визуализацию данных более эффективной. Мы рассмотрим типичные ошибки, которые могут возникнуть в процессе создания визуализации данных, а также способы их устранения.
12:30 - 13:30
Exactpro Relax Zone for All
AI for good. but who defines "good"?
Otar Kakhidze, Center of Cyber Security AbuDhabi
Are you interested in AI? Do you know what's "good" and "bad" when it comes to machine intelligence? This workshop will address the main ethical challenges of AI and automation that are universally applicable, beginning from the famous trolley problem in self-driving cars to the lethal autonomous decision-making in security systems. This session aims to promote philosophical thinking for people working in technology that is becoming increasingly necessary prior to designing AI systems.

13:30 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:00
R-Ladies Room for R lovers
R Package Development - Create your own Package
Isabella Gollini, University College Dublin
Are you an intermediate R user? Then install the latest versions of R and RStudio (and the following R packages: knitr, devtools, pkgdown, rmarkdown, roxygen2, testthat) on your laptop and attend Isabella's workshop. During the tutorial you will learn how to formalise your workflow and make your code into an R package.
14:30 - 16:00
FinTech Room for Data Analysts
How blockchain technology can be utilized in FinTech
Anton Sitnikov, Exactpro Systems
Blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT) is one of the main pillars of the FinTech industry. The distributed ledger is a database of assets or transactions that is shared with a network so that all parties have their own identical copy of the ledger. When a change is made to the ledger, every copy of the ledger across the network is updated almost simultaneously. The presence of a single source of truth enables unique possibilities for Data Analysis in relation to financial transactions, including fraud detection and regulatory compliance. During the Workshop, Anton will show how to create a FinTech application using the open source distributed ledger technology R3 and how to use it for data reconciliation.
14:30 - 16:00
Zalando Room for Data Scientists
How to listen to the people using your products
Timothy Frohner & Chris Ninnes, Facebook
Whether you're building a website, mobile app or smart device, once you have more than 100 people using it, it's very difficult to talk to all of them. Data allows us to build empathy at scale, understanding the journey that people using our products are going through, with all of its ups and downs. In this workshop we'll look at a few different techniques to analyse event data and extract the story that it's telling us. Make sure you have Jupyter, Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotly installed on your machine to enjoy the Facebook duo-led workshop fully!
14:30 - 16:00
ML Room for Machine Learning Enthusiasts
Building smart applications using AWS AI and ML services
Denis Batalov, AWS
During this workshop the speaker will go over all AWS AI and ML services, demonstrating how to use them to build smart applications with AWS.
14:30 - 16:00
EU Room for CSO activists
Bellingcat's Mini-Workshop Open Source Investigation
Christiaan Triebert, Bellingcat
Install Google Earth Pro and get ready to rehash your investigation skills. You'll learn how to determine the time using satellite imagery and shadows. It's pretty fun, we promise!
14:30 - 16:00
ForSet Room for Data Storytellers
DDJ workshop using Datawrapper
Mirko Lorenz, Datawrapper
14:30 - 16:00
ForSet Room for Russian Speakers
Tableau как инструмент анализа, визуализации и публикации данных
Vadim Shmygov,
Слушатели научаться формировать датасеты для Tableau, освоят его интерфейс, приемы работы, концепции, основы calculated fields, создадут свой профиль и сделают свою первую работу
14:30 - 16:00
Exactpro Relax Zone for All
Securing Your Digital Life
Jason Addie, ForSet
Do you know what the following terms mean: VPN, PGP, 2FA, Password Manager, encryption? Do you know how to use them to secure your digital life? If not, then this workshop is for you! Digital security can be a daunting and overwhelming subject, so this workshop is aimed for novices that want to be more secure but do not know how to do it. This workshop will guide you through the steps of securing your accounts, communications, devices, and data. Choosing convenience and ease over protecting your ass(ets) is a choice. Is it time to make the choice to secure your digital life?

16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:00
R-Ladies Room for R lovers
R Package Development - Create Package Documentation
Isabella Gollini, University College Dublin
This workshop will follow the "R Package Development - Create your own Package" Workshop, and will focus on preparing documentation for your R package. The same requirements apply here: you should be equipped with a laptop and have the latest versions of R and RStudio and the following R packages installed: knitr, devtools, pkgdown, rmarkdown, roxygen2, testthat.
16:30 - 18:00
FinTech Room for Data Analysts
Defects mining in Exchange trading systems
Pavel Medvedev, Exactpro systems
Modern stock exchanges process hundreds of millions of transactions per day and operate within roundtrip latencies measured in microseconds. Identifying functional and non-functional defects for various systems is a challenging data processing task. How to simulate market conditions, how to detect anomalies in large data sets and how to deliver results in regulated environments while working as a part of agile software development process? The speaker with experience of working across the globe will share some ideas on how to assure the quality and efficiency of the mission-critical financial technology infrastructures.
16:30 - 18:00
Zalando Room for Data Scientists
Streaming Analytics
Sergio Gonzalez Sanz, Zalando
Today's data is generated and consumed on real-time. Streams have become a key element of the current IT landscape and insights have a shorter lifespan. Sergio will present the main advantages of analysing real time streams and the challenges that data scientists must solve when facing a streaming environment. He will introduce data streams and why they are becoming a cornerstone of today's e-commerce and IoT industry. He will also explain how to analyse data streams and how to generate insights on real-time and make them actionable.
16:30 - 18:00
ML Room for Machine Learning Enthusiasts
seq2seq methods for NLP
Adam Mathias Bittlingmayer, ModelFront
Adam will walk us through recent advancements in seq2seq methods and machine translation techniques. He will showcase how to build dialogue systems or chatbots bringing the cases from the diverse projects he has worked on including Google Translate.
16:30 - 18:00
EU Room for CSO activists
Glass Room and Personal Data
Varoon Bashyakarla, Tactical Tech
Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft have amassed the largest shares of our data. They know us, but how much do we really know about them? This workshop is a walk through The Glass Room experience, a series of pieces that pose questions about today’s major tech platforms. At the end of the workshop, you will be able to see a more complete picture of the actors, tools, and places involved in the use of personal data for political influence.
16:30 - 18:00
ForSet Room for Data Storytellers
Data Journalism for Small Newsrooms & Finding International Data
Pinar Dag, DagMedya
How small newsrooms and freelancers can produce data stories? How do they do it? How to build a data journalism team in a small newsroom? What's the best way to work with external developers and small agencies? A few case studies to demonstrate it's possible. This workshop will also offer tips about finding useful data for investigations from around the world, including links to both popular and little known online data that can lead to excellent, data driven stories.
16:30 - 18:00
ForSet Room for Russian Speakers
Start programming in 90 minutes (In RUS)
Rinat Tuhvatshin, Kloop Media
Have you never coded, but badly want to start? Rinat's workshop is a hands-on introduction into programming. You will feel that coding is easy. You will be using Jupyter Notebook, one of the most convenient tools for data analysis. The workshop will be in Russian.
16:30 - 18:00
Exactpro Relax Zone for All
What do we talk about when we talk about AI?
Lukasz Krol, College of Europe
It's often difficult to define what exactly we are talking about when we talk about AI. The technological side of it is huge but so are the social implications - who creates our algorithms? Whom do they empower? Whom do they take power away from? This workshop will take a look at all those questions, first by looking at examples of content (and images!) generated by AI algorithms, and then diving deep into questions of how well our algorithms, and the data they are based on, reflect and strengthen our society as a whole. For a fruitful participation in this workshop, you should have a deep understanding of not just the technological but also social implications of AI and algorithms.